Supporting the Library
A Little Help From Our Friends
Since 1972, the Friends of the TCU Library have been helping the Mary Couts Burnett Library with acquiring reference materials, rare books, electronic resources and material for the collections, as well as providing funds for purchasing equipment and staff support.
These are just some of the many things made possible with a little—in truth, a lot of!—help from our Friends.

Rare book acquisition
The Friends aided with this purchase of a 400 page Patent of Nobility from the Vice Royalty of Peru, dating from the late 17th century. The manuscript is intended to certify the nobility of Marzelo de Ayala Marin Benavides y Arze, a member of the appellate court of the Vice-Royalty of Peru.
See a larger version of the image above in a new window.

Library Staff Excellence Award and Luncheon
The Friends present the annual Staff Excellence Award in January of each year at a staff luncheon to members of Library staff who have gone above and beyond to provide exceptional service.
Pictured: Humanities and Theatre Research Librarian Ammie Harrison receiving the Staff Excellence Award in 2011 from Dr. June Koelker, Dean of the TCU Library.

TCU Texas Book Award
This award is a $5000 prize given to the author of the best book about Texas published during each eligibility period, and is funded by the Friends of the TCU Library on a three year cycle.
The award is presented at the annual Friends of the TCU Library banquet.

Cliburn Archival Tapes Digitization
The Cliburn Competition Performance Digitization Project is a searchable interface for digital recordings from the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition Archive. The Friends contributed $15,000 towards digitizing recordings from the Cliburn Archival Tapes.
3D Printer
The Friends gave the Library $800 to purchase a 3D printer for the Fab Lab, a digital fabrication laboratory located on the first floor of the TCU Mary Couts Burnett Library. In addition to 3D printers, the Fab Lab offers a high definition 3D scanner, a large scale plotter, and a laser cutter/engraver.

Books and Resources
In 2020, when the Library and the University were facing unprecendented financial pressure, the Friends gave $15,000 to the Library to fund vital books and resources.
A Part of the Library's Community
The Mary Couts Burnett Library is more than just books, it's a community. As a member of the Friends of the Library you are an integral part of this community.
Here are just a few of the many parts of the Library community. Click on the image to see a larger version in a pop-up window.

2022 Trivia Night flyer.

Team 4 during a 2019 Trivia Night.

Reception for an exhibit on Faculty Research, 2019.

Presentation for a Special Collections exhibit, "Books and Power after the Fall of the Aztec Empire," co-curated by Dr. Alex Hidalgo and Julie Christenson, Rare Books Librarian. Nov 2019-Feb 2020.

Invitation to Special Collections exhibit. "Hebraica Veritas: Highlights from the Collection of Israel Otto Lehman & the Hebrew Union College."

Books in the "Hebraica Veritas" exhibit.

Invitation to a talk and book signing by Dr. Sarah Hill at the Library.

Invitation for a wine reception and manuscript viewing in Special Collections.

Flyer for Lunches of Love, a program that provides free sack lunches to kids in food insecure households duging extended school holidays and weekends. The Library hosted a lunch sack decorating event for Lunches of Love.

Lunch sacks decorated by TCU students for Lunches of Love.

Valentine's Day event during which students said why they love the TCU Library.

Therapy dogs hosted by the TCU Library during finals to provide stress relief for students.
Upcoming Events
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Friends of the TCU Library
TCU Box 298400
Fort Worth TX 76129
Contact Shelda Dean
via email:
via phone: 817-257-6109