Page 10 - 2019 Fall Newsletter
P. 10

“ “    Author Speak                                                   “ “

                                 Sarah E. Hill, PhD – Research Psychologist and Author

                 Dr. Hill found that being on the birth control pill makes women a

                     different version of themselves than when they are off of it.

        In her new book, This Is Your Brain on Birth Control: The Surprising Science of Women, Hormones, and the Law of
        Unintended Consequences, TCU psychology professor and researcher Sarah Hill challenges the estimated 46 million
        American women using a form of hormonal contraception to consider how it can affect the way they think, feel and act.

                                                                                        On October 10, 2019, the
                                                                                        Library hosted members of the
                                                                                        TCU community to hear Hill,
                                                                                        interviewed by NBC-5 anchor
                                                                                        Bianca Castro. Dr. Hill spoke
                                                                                        about her research and the focus
                                                                                        of her book, with hopes to
                                                                                        spread awareness of the impact
                                                                                        hormonal birth control has on
                                                                                        women’s brains.

                                                                                        Research stemming from her
                                                                                        own experience with the pill,
                                                                                        Hill explained the tolls hormonal
                                                                                        birth control can have on the
        brain and how there’s a lot more to the pill than meets the eye. Despite studying health and the effects of hormonal
        behavior, Hill never thought the hormones in her birth control pill were influencing her brain. When she stopped taking
        birth control pills she started to notice changes not only in her body but in her life – suddenly, she enjoyed going to the
        gym and listening to music.

        “Women have been talking about this forever,” Hill said. “But usually with doctors we’ve been told about the sort of
        mood-related side effects as being the extent of the conversation that we generally get surrounding the pill.”

        “In my research, I found that the birth control influences a whole range of psychological processes – they play a role in
        influencing attraction, stress, hunger, emotion regulation, friendships, and more,” said Hill.

        Hills talk was very explanatory to the many that attended this event, providing eye-opening information to women
        who are both on and off the pill. Her goal is to give women information so they can actually have more well-versed
        conversations with their doctors.

        In addition to this event, Hill has been making public appearances to promote the book, including a segment on NBC’s
        Today Show.

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