Page 4 - 2019 Spring Newsletter
P. 4

From Writer to Author

        A Special Collections exhibit portraying nineteenth-century British women and the social stigmas that
        challenged their aspirations to succeed as published writers.

                                                               Pseudonyms and anonymity for female authors were
                                                               also popular amongst the desires of publishers. Books
                                                               would have a better chance of selling under the disguise
                                                               of a seemingly masculine name. Therefore, publishing
                                                               anonymously or under a pseudonym was sometimes the
                                                               only way for a woman to sell her work to a publisher.

                                                               At TCU’s Special Collections, we possess an impressive
                                                               collection of nineteenth-century works by women who
                                                               sought to overcome this stigma by pursuing their passions
                                                               in writing. These works, including first editions by popular
                                                               authoresses such as Charlotte Brontë, Mary Shelley
                                                               and Jane Austen, not only verify that there was in fact a
                                                               stigma, but also reveal the construction of authorship in the

                                                               Special Collections has launched a web exhibit spotlighting
                                                               gender, authorship and publishing in nineteenth-century
                                                               Britain. This exhibit
                                                               was written and
                                                               created by Pamela
                                                               Ahern, a current
                                                     Jane Austen  student of History
                                                               and Anthropology at
        Nineteenth-century Britain saw a rising popularity     TCU.
        in female authorship while women’s roles were more
        domestic than ever. Their prolonged time at home       Pamela’s interests in
        allowed women more time for reading and writing. The   History include the
        combination of their domestic role and increased writing   social and cultural
        habits resulted in the rise of anonymous publishings and   aspects as well as the
        pseudonym use.                                         print culture of early
                                                               modern Britain. She
        Many nineteenth-century female authors chose to publish   recently completed
        anonymously or under a pseudonym due to the stigma     an internship with
        attached to women during this time period. Though      TCU’s Special
        most women did in fact receive some level of education,   Collections to advance her knowledge for a future career
        they were widely viewed as dainty, fragile and frivolous   in academia. This experience has allowed Pamela to work
        beings who were best suited for the domestic duties of a   with Special Collections’ inspiring assemblage of many
        housewife.                                             of her favorite authors. Pamela’s project with Special
                                                               Collections’ nineteenth-century works originated from an
        Women who were particularly interested in reading and   interest in the challenges early women authors faced and
        writing (especially those who were deemed physically   how they overcame social prejudices by publishing their
        attractive, and therefore, had no need for such learnings)   works that would eventually become some of the most
        were often referred to as “Bluestockings.” It was believed   cherished novels of all time.
        that such women were sacrificing their beauty and the
        leisurely lifestyle bestowed upon them on matters much   To view the exhibit, visit
        better suited for the intellectual man.

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