The Mary Couts Burnett Library is turning 100 years old, and we are celebrating!
Share your memories of the TCU Mary Couts Burnett Library—be it funny, weird or heartwarming.
Jack Washington, Current Staff
Mary Couts Burnett Library has been a great source for me academically, professionally, and personally. I used a book from the "Free Book Shelf" as the basis of my master's thesis. I utilized engineering resources from Interlibrary Loan to help make the campus safer. As someone who works in Facilities, I've borrowed so many novels over the years that at one point, I had to return them in a suitcase! In short, I love the library!
Elizabeth Stanley, Former Student
I graduated a few years ago, now, but remember the little study pods in the university drive side of the library. i got many a research paper done there! additionally, a special shout out to tracy hull. i decided i want to go back to school for a library science degree, and she could not have been more encouraging or more helpful in that process! the library at tcu will always hold a special place in my heart.
Laurel, Current Student
Studying with my best friends!!!! Even though we’re doing school work we still have so much fun and make memories!

Corbi, Current Student
Exploring the labyrinth of the back rooms. One time I booked a meeting room in the most obscure part no one new existed, and thought I would find a wardrobe that opened into Narnia.
Kerry Bouchard, Former Student
When I was a student here in the early 1980s, some of my friends had student worker jobs in the Circulation department. One day I was walking past the desk, and found two of them sniggering over a "dirty book" that they'd found on the reshelving cart. It turned out to be a collection of James Joyce's letters to Nora Barnacle. Shortly after graduation, my two friends married each other.