The Lizard Lounge

Usage Policies

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Currently scheduled events

Scroll down to make sure the Lounge is available for the date(s) and time(s) you need.

Category Bookings Lizard Lounge
         Lisa Smant - Women and Gender Studies and Comparative Race Faculty Meeting. 03:30pm - 05:00pm
         Jason Smith - English Graduate Student Association. EGSA Meeting followed by the EGSA Peer Mentorship program meeting 03:00pm - 05:30pm
         Jason Smith - English Graduate Student Association. EGSA Monthly Meeting 03:00pm - 05:30pm
         Jason Smith - English Graduate Student Association. EGSA Monthly Meeting 03:00pm - 05:30pm
         Lisa Smant - Women and Gender Studies and Comparative Race Faculty Meeting 03:30pm - 05:00pm
         Yvonne Giovanis - Assistant Director, Wellness Education Campus Recreation & Wellness Promotion Annual - De-Stress Fest 11:00am - 02:00pm

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Apply to use the Lizard Lounge for an event

To apply to reserve the Lizard Lounge, start by reading the usage policies above. Then enter your TCU ID number below.

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