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Report from the Dean | MCB Library 2012-2013 Annual Report


Renovating a library is challenging! Construction begins in late 2013 and is likely to include all of the 1980s wing of the current building. The very first phase of the overall project was the purchase of an off-campus storage facility that will house less-frequently used material. By moving some of the library stacks off site, the Library will have more student seating space in the building.

Library staff are already immersed in a variety of activities. One project involves staff and students in a building-wide inventory and another project involves students and staff bar-coding thousands of volumes in preparation for the move. A new service is the recently implemented Virtual Shelf Browsing feature that allows users to display images of TCU library books on computer screens with the images arranged in the same sequence as the books are arranged on the shelves.

A very important upcoming project for myself and other library administrators is providing the best library services possible during the year-long construction. We are diligently working to create the best research, learning and study spaces for our students. As construction progresses pictures will be available, so be looking for those in the near future.

In closing, I will say this is an exciting time for the TCU Library and I am fortunate to be part of this evolution. I am also very thankful for the generous support I have received from you to help make all these improvements possible. And if you would like to continue to support our efforts, donations can be made to the Friends of the TCU Library by contacting myself at or the Mary Couts Burnett Library by contacting Adam Baggs at

If you would like to see how the Library is improving, please feel free to drop in and take a look.

June Koelker

June Koelker

Dean of the Library