Texas Documents

This web page features information about our Texas Document collection and links to the Texas State Publications Depository Program and to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

Texas State Publications Depository Program

The Texas Depository features an array of documents covering a vast range of subjects all pertaining to the Lone Star State. Unfortunately the 82nd Texas Legislature enacted a state budget that cut state funding for the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC). As of July 15, 2011, TSLAC discontinued the State Publications Depository Program, meaning we no longer receive any Texas documents. We still preserve many Texas documents in our collection in the Our Depository collection is located in the Government Document stacks on the NORTH side, 2nd floor, above the Current Periodicals..

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Important Links

  • Texas State Publications

    Texas State Library and Archives Commission [TSL]

    While there has been an official library and archives of the state of Texas since the days of the Republic, the agency was officially formed in 1909. For over a century, their mission has been to ensure that citizens have access to the information they need to lead informed, productive, and fulfilled lives. The site provides access to their library catalog, reference services, genealogy, TexShare databases and much more.

    The TSL provides the following specific online catalog searches:
    • TRAIL
      The Texas Records and Information Locator (TRAIL) service provides access to Texas state government information contained in electronic publications. TRAIL searches and locates information collected in an archive of more than 180 Texas state agency web servers, including the Department of Agriculture, Department of Criminal Justice, Commission on Environmental Quality, Department of Family and Protective Services, Parks and Wildlife Department and many more.

      The Texas State Archives preserves and documents the heritage and culture of Texas by identifying, collecting, and making available for research the permanently valuable official records of Texas government, as well as other significant historical resources. Maintaining the official history of Texas government, the State Archives includes archival government records dating back to the 18th century, as well as newspapers, journals, books, manuscripts, photographs, historical maps, and other historical resources. By these records, all three branches of Texas government are accountable to the people. Taken together, the holdings of the Texas State Archives provide a historical foundation for present-day governmental actions and are an important resource for Texas studies.

      Library Catalog of Texas State Library and Archives Commission and Texas Commission on Environmental QualityTexas State Library (TSL) search engine where you can limit your searches to specific libraries including the Texas State Library & Archives Commission, Electronic Books, or the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

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Beth Callahan
Beth Callahan
Senior Library Specialist
Phone: 817.257.7669
Email: b.callahan@tcu.edu
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